
New schedules and routines have wrecked havoc upon my time. While spiritual I remain well and healthy, physically I'm exhausted. I'm currently trying to come up with a schedule that works for all that I've committed to. In approximately a week and half, my oldest son, will be starting pre-school, so I dare not get used to a certain routine. Instead I'm attempting to plan a schedule that will accommodate a new routine in the near future.

Doing all this, reminds me of one of my favorite passages:

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans" 12:3

How easy is it to be conformed to the routine of life? The easy, lazy routine of summer is now past. Now, I'm conditioning my mind to transform to the new "knowledge" I've aquired.

The easy part is to renew, the hard part is to transform. The transformation is the application of the renewing process.

But, renewing becomes easy if you are first, not conformed. That is my focus for the rest of this week and the next, not to conform to a certain schedule, but to be transformed by the renewing (understanding) of my mind.

God bless you all!


  1. Hi Hannah, that sounds like sound advice! I should take a clue from you. LOL Love you PPF!

  2. That's very good advice, but I think I'll find it very hard to practice. Though I must say that it's a timely post given my busy schedule at work of late.

    Thank you for posting it. I will try, but it's going to be a real uphill battle.

    God bless you, Hannah, and Shalom!

  3. I suppose I should take your advice when it comes to college. I just started on Monday and will probably get used to a certain kind of schedule of studying. But I'll have to remember to take time out for God still and to take time out for myself to relax every once in a while as well.


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