Medicine & Idolatry

I received a tweet from @CoconutHealth yesterday and was riveted by their post: Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century

Very rarely do I refer or endorse other scriptural material, but I am in agreement with the content in this article. I encourage you to read the article in full as it compares America’s love affair for prescription drugs to idolatry. It makes fascinating and thought-provoking points and comparisons.

Here is an excerpt:

“Are things any different today in terms of idolatry? It has taken on a different form, but it is in essence the same thing it has always been – trust in idols rather than God to supply our needs and desires. Modern-day culture has changed dramatically since the theory of Darwinian evolution came on the scene and dominated academics in western culture, so that today the physical world is exalted above all other realities. The spiritual world is either denied or ignored. Hence, creation of physical idols is very uncommon, because current culture ignores the unseen world that could be represented by such physical manifestations.

What has replaced those idols, however, are beliefs in new ones. The most common idol in western culture today, by far, is medicine – the new “magic.”” READ MORE!

The article ends powerfully on this quote from James 5:14-16 “The prayers of a righteous man is powerful and effective”

I would encourage everyone to lean upon the Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding when considering a person’s “righteousness” in this day and age of apostate Christianity.

On another note: Check out for their wonderful coconut oils. See my review of their coconut oil on my other blog.

Coconut Oil Old School Style


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