More Than Gold
For the past week I have been wondering what to post about. I would decide on a subject, start typing and then lose the inspiration for the post. But today it has never been more clear to me. As the economy is in a downward spiral and the doom and gloom of end-timers sound off a chorus of soon imending wrath of God and the end of America as we know it, I will praise Him. I praise the Lord God for indeed He is worthy to be praised! I declare of Him and His Works. He has sheltered me and mine! I declare of His mercy for indeed has He has shown me His loving-kindness. Too many times today's Christian count material wealth as blessings and "proof" of the Lord's acceptance of their works-rich lifestyle. With America's financial system threatened, I have been blessed with peace and faith, more precious than gold...what this economy cannot take from me. I praise Him! Worthy is the Lord of Hosts! All you who wait upon Him Faithfully, praise His Holy name! Sent from my T-M...