
Showing posts from January, 2010

My Response to a Comment About Tidd

JMH, I cannot tell you how much I can appreciate your quest for clarification, it is something that your friend should be doing as well. Please allow me to clarify that I am not speaking out against homosexuality, nor am I a proposal 8 “champion”. Quite simply, I believe in the principle of free will. What I am condemning is Tidd’s explanation of what is not sin. In this case, he says it is not sin to “act in accordance to your nature”, which borderlines on blasphemy. While the subject at hand is homosexuality and obviously, he means to support his view with his belief, but in support of his view on homosexuality, he made a general statement in reference to what is not sin that is unbiblical and unscriptural. A child molester can read that statement and say it is not a sin to act in accordance to their nature. A murderer can receive that statement and say it is not a sin to act in accordance to their nature. A thief can look at that statement and receive the same understanding....