A Personal Note
Well it certainly has been awhile since I've posted to this blog! I offer no reasons on why I haven't posted, quite simply, I haven't been led to, despite the fact that I have quite a few writings in progress. I am compelled to post quality and not quantity. Truth is not something that is of and from the flesh, in other words, human nature. It exists and emanates spiritually. In saying that, it can only come from the Living God. I would much rather leave my blog blank for months, or forever, rather than post something for posting's sake. I can appreciate how this blog has evolved since I began in 2007. I created this blog with the ambition that I would share my walk with the Lord and HIS truth I have discovered in a church-laden culture that has been riddled with religion and shackled in legalism. My ambition to share my walk still remains, however, I recognize, even further, that I must first and foremost, be ambitious and aggressive in declaring the works of the Lo...