
Showing posts from June, 2008


I have now been the author of Confessions of an Unchurched Believer for a year, and what a year it has been! As I feel my way through the world of blogging, there is no doubt I have learned much. I have made friends as well as enemies, yet I can tell you today, right now that I have no regrets for setting up this blog. I have made more changes to my blog's left sidebar. I get frequent questions as well as criticisms about my "unchurched" status. So I have decided to dedicate a good portion of my sidebar to posts in which I have explained those questions previously. This eliminates repetitious dialogue and debates and gives anyone who feels "inspired" to comment about my commitment to live as led by the Spirit a full understanding of who, what and why I am. Consider it a FAQ if you will. I ask that anyone who does desire to comment on my status to READ FULLY the posts in my sidebar. This will avoid unnecessary assumptions about my character and my motivation in...

Pro Choice

No... I am not pro-choice, not in the way the term has been utilized.  As a matter of fact, I'm not "pro" anything. I believe in the existence of choice as choice exists. Does  Exist! If you believe in the infallacy of the Word then you know how it all began. The story of Adam and Eve begins in the Garden of Eden and ends with their expulsion. How easy would it have been for the Creator of the world to "make" Adam/Eve choose the right way. How easy would it have been for the Lord to have never placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden.God, the Father, Maker of heaven and earth decided in His wisdom that it was good to establish the freedom to choose. The choice to choose life with Him or on our own accord. Yet many Christians ignore the fundamental truth and existence to choice, but champion various "moral" causes such as abortion, homosexuality, pornography in the hopes of "purifying" society by legislat...

Christ Follower

"A Christ follower". This phrase has been used by many to emphasize true or authentic Christian living. Living here in America, one of the richest country in the world, founded by Christians, and is largely populated by Christians of various affliations, it becomes apparent to me that "a Christ follower" is a style of life other of what Christ had meant. One of the most famous commands can be quoted (and sung) by many, is found in Matt. 16:24. "Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Today, we all know what the cross symbolizes. For many of us the cross is a precious symbol of the sacrifice Christ made for all who may believe and receive eternal life. For others the cross symbolizes something else. The cross Jesus spoke about symbolized something very different to Jesus and those He spoke to at that moment in history. In a pagan country where Jews were considered foreig...

"3,000 Miles Wide - Three Inches Deep"

I found a interesting article based upon a survey of what American believers really believe. Here's a portion of the article. Click on the link below to read it in it's entirety. Americans: My Faith Isn't the Only Way 8:49 AM EST June 24, 2008 (by MSN Mobile) "America remains a nation of believers, but a new survey finds most Americans don't feel their religion is the only way to eternal life - even if their faith tradition teaches otherwise.The findings, released Monday in a survey of 35,000 adults, can either be taken as a positive sign of growing religious tolerance, or disturbing evidence that Americans dismiss or don't know fundamental teachings of their own faiths. Among the more startling numbers in the survey, conducted last year by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life: 57 percent of evangelical church attendees said they believe many religions can lead to eternal  life, in conflict with traditional evangelical teaching. In all, 70 percen...

Messianic Jews Persecuted in Israel

Romans 11 explains very clearly the RIGHT attitude and stance we, as believers in the power of the blood of Christ Jesus of Nazereth should have towards unbelieving Jews in Israel. Christianity has been defined by human hands and minds that has stolen and corrupted the beauty of what is truly Christian that is clearly testified by the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. And it is by this failure that many modern day Christians (MDC) have isolated and angered many unbelievers in Israel, as their bloody history has a direct connect to the falsehoods promoted by our Christian heritage of "Convert or die!" Yet many MDCs believingly accept Christianity as it is presented to them. This is a deathly serious problem as many swallow a manufactured "belief" blind to the history of Christianity, blind to truth of scripture. MDCs are rendered completely ineffective to promote the "mystery of the gospel", because even the Gospel remains a mystery to them!! Romans 11:25 How...

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Dad's day to all you dedicated fathers! Wishing a Happy Father's Day to my dearest husband. May our sons perfect the art of fathering their children just as you have done with them! I love you! Natural remedies for your health and pets! - Reference# 8885 Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®