I have now been the author of Confessions of an Unchurched Believer for a year, and what a year it has been! As I feel my way through the world of blogging, there is no doubt I have learned much. I have made friends as well as enemies, yet I can tell you today, right now that I have no regrets for setting up this blog. I have made more changes to my blog's left sidebar. I get frequent questions as well as criticisms about my "unchurched" status. So I have decided to dedicate a good portion of my sidebar to posts in which I have explained those questions previously. This eliminates repetitious dialogue and debates and gives anyone who feels "inspired" to comment about my commitment to live as led by the Spirit a full understanding of who, what and why I am. Consider it a FAQ if you will. I ask that anyone who does desire to comment on my status to READ FULLY the posts in my sidebar. This will avoid unnecessary assumptions about my character and my motivation in...