Evangelical Church in Denver
Rev. Mark Tidd of Highlands church in Denver has announced his embracement of same sex relationships. The fact that this is coming from an Evangelical pastor is what makes this news. However, that is not the reason I'm writing this post. This pastor's views and beliefs reflect today's mindset of what church is about...embracing and exhorting of the self...as it is. "Tidd said he supports gay marriage and would perform same-sex blessings if asked. A gay man in a committed relationship sits on the church's board of trustees. "Our position is not one of lenience, but a matter of justice," said Tidd, a married father of five. "It's not that we don't acknowledge the reality of sin. It's not a sin to be gay or act in accordance with your nature." Its not a sin to "act in accordance with your nature"? Wow. I'm really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt here. Maybe he spoke without thinking it through (which is still ...